Our Goal:

OUR GOAL: Visit fifty states within the next two years. (edited: We missed our two year deadline but still hope to visit all 50 states)

The Rules: States we visit or where we have already visited as a family (three or more members) count. States visited by only one or two family members (such as a business trip) don't count.

Layovers and stopovers don't count. We have to actually either drive though a state or do some activity, outside of the airport, in that state.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Where are we this weekend?

Sorry to say this, we are home.  We were home last weekend as well and don't have any travel planned next weekend either.  I am starting to worry about meeting our goal to hit fifty states.  But life gets in the way of travel.  For example, Big Boy is turning ten and we are having a birthday party for him next weekend.  Now, although I am totally against him turning ten (I will have a double digit kid.. a tween OMG Lyk noway) I am going to have to let it happen.  And if it is going to happen anyway, I guess I should throw him a party.

Now, if anyone thinks I am dragging reluctant kids around the country just to satisfy my need to achieve our goal, let me relay a quick Big Boy story.

We were sitting at the dinner table and I was trying to get him to say where he wanted to go for dinner for his actual birthday (not the party) and he came up with the idea of flying somewhere cool for dinner.  Of course, I had to remind him that his actual birthday is on a school night so this would not be possible but I think it is pretty cool that he came up with this idea.  heaven help us if my husband ever stops working for the airline.  My kids won't know what to do with themselves.

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