Our Goal:

OUR GOAL: Visit fifty states within the next two years. (edited: We missed our two year deadline but still hope to visit all 50 states)

The Rules: States we visit or where we have already visited as a family (three or more members) count. States visited by only one or two family members (such as a business trip) don't count.

Layovers and stopovers don't count. We have to actually either drive though a state or do some activity, outside of the airport, in that state.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Disney - coming home

As I believe I had mentioned before, my husband booked the flights for this particular trip and he had us scheduled to leave Disney at 7:00 PM which wold have put us back at our house no earlier than 10:30 at night... on a school night.  And that was with no flight delays and us racing through the airport, catching the fist bus to the parking lot and me driving above the speed limit.  OK, that last part is likely to happen n matter which flight we take

So, in light of this, I re booked us for a much earlier flight.  On our last day, we slept in, treated ourselves to a restaurant breakfast and took our time gathering our bags.  we took full advantage of our 1:00 late check out and only had a half hour to kill in the lobby before Magical Express picked us up out front at 1:30.

We had plenty of time to shop at the airport (Big Boy's favorite past time) and got on our first choice flight with seats to spare.  Just moment before boarding, I asked Big Boy to make sure his phone was turned off and he got this sick look on his face.  He had lost his cell phone.  I tried calling the phone several times prior to boarding but couldn't hear it ring and no one picked it up.  I called a couple of more times from the plane with no results.  In an act of desperation, I texted the phone with a message that it was a lost phone and to call my cell number if it was found.  I then had to turn my phone of for the flight.

As soon as I landed, I checked my messages and there was a phone message from a man identifying himself as TSA and advising me that they had found my phone and it would be in lost and found.  We checked the lost and found over the next several days but it never showed up.

I am not too stressed about the pone as it was a cheap flip phone that I had bought off ebay to hold me over when my phone had gotten wet a few years ago.  It is just a hassle to buy and turn on a new phone.  And, I can't blame Big Boy for this.  I was the one who told him to put it in the little phone holder pouch on the side of his backpack without realizing that it would slip out on the x-ray belt.

Now, before my faithful readers try to scroll back through my posts to figure out just how many phones and cameras we have lost during travel, I will save yo the time.  We are up to two phones and two camera (if yo count the camera we lost in DC which didn't involve flying).  Not a bad average considering I am traveling alone with two kids in tow and have been on several trips.  I have not lost anything really important yet...like one of my kids.

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