Our Goal:

OUR GOAL: Visit fifty states within the next two years. (edited: We missed our two year deadline but still hope to visit all 50 states)

The Rules: States we visit or where we have already visited as a family (three or more members) count. States visited by only one or two family members (such as a business trip) don't count.

Layovers and stopovers don't count. We have to actually either drive though a state or do some activity, outside of the airport, in that state.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Birmingham, AL - September 8

I must start by saying that this trip was a comedy of errors - all on my part - but was fine in the end

We usually leave for our trips in the predawn hours to catch flight before 8:00 AM.  We live an hour from the airport and have to leave at least an hour to get from the parking lot to the airport, then through security and get out boarding passes.  But, on this particular trip, we had the luxury of eating a casual breakfast at home and heading to the airport at a reasonable hour.  Our flight was set to take off at 10:30 AM.  I guess the kids had a little too much time because I ended up yelling at them like a crazy woman to get dressed and out of the house. 

We arrived at the airport shortly after nine and headed straight down to our secret security check point.  well, I guess the secret is out.  The new TSA checkpoint hidden i the basement by baggage claim is usually deserted but this time held a line that looked like a line at Disney.

We managed to get through security in plenty of time for us but knew hat some in line missed their flights.  Our flight had plenty of empty seats and after our initial bickering about who was sitting where, we settled in with Lil' Bit finally getting her window seat, Big Boy next to her and me enjoying the row behind them all to myself.

We arrived in Birmingham Alabama at 11:30 local time but with the hour time difference, we were ready for lunch.  we stopped at the first eatery we found and bought sodas to go with the bagel sandwhiches we had brought.

I over spent on sodas because, unbeknownst to me, they didn't have lids for the cups so the kids had to throw out their sodas after lunch.  Big Boy had drank his but Lil' Bit had only consumed about three sips of hers.  In hindsight, i would have bought one soda and had us all share since refills were free.

The rental car, enterprise, was right outside the airport and we quickly got on our way.  Here is where the screw-ups begin.  I had put the address of the McWayne Science Center into Mapquest and printed out directions the night before.  Now, when you put an address into mapquest and it is not exactly as it would like it to be, it provides one or more possible locations and then asks you "is this the one you want?" .  I clicked yes without paying any more attention.  My destination was listed as being 13 minutes from the airport.

When we picked up the rental car, we were in a parking garage, therefore, no GPS on my phone.  As soon as you drive out of the garage, you are on  a ramp and then the highway with no where to stop to program the GPS.  That's OK, I have my mapquest directions.

Well, Mapquest took me to 200 19th Street Ensley which was apparently not the same as 200 19th Street, Birmingham.  we were is a dark and scary neighborhood surrounded by angry looking abandoned buildings.

So far, 13 minutes wasted.  No, 26 minutes wasted because once I put the address into my phone (using the voice feature) I had to go back past where I had just come from.

Following my handy dandy phone directions, i proceeded back into and then out of Birmingham.  Lil' Bit slept in the back set while Big Boy read.  I enjoyed the sights and the countryside.  I enjoyed said countryside fro 40 minutes!  I kept thinking "this does not seem right.  Why would they put this place way out here.  Bu, knowing that, in the past, every time I  doubt the directions and turn around, I should have gone just a little bit farther.  I trusted my phone over my instincts.  I reached my final destination... a closed for the weekend High school. 

I cried out in anguish and look ed at me phone.  Why did you let me down? Then I realized that when I said "200 19th Steet"  the phone heard "219 Street"

Fourty minutes back the other direction, we arrived at the McWayne Science Center.  It was two o'clock and we had to be back at the airport by 4:15 for our 5:15 flight. It killed me to pay almost $40 for what was now going to be an only two hour adventure.  Just killed me.  The kids were disappointed and I was devastated.

I called my husband (at work) and asked him to try to find us alternate plans while I searched for a hotel.  This way, the kids could enjoy the museum until 6:00.  But, the cheapest hotel I found that I would be willing to have my kids sleep  yet still be near the airport was $80 per night.  And, that would mean that I would have to find the money for dinner and breakfast the next day.  My husband found a flight leaving at 6:15 Am the next morning.  With this plan we would be going from $40 for two hours at the center to $120 for four hours (not inlcuding the meals)  Nope, couldn't do it.

The kids ended up having a great time and even though we were a bit rushed, managed to do a lot of things.  I think that my original plan of four hours and the center would have been perfect.  we would not have needed much more time than that.

The Mcwayne Science Center center is an interactive science center where the kids are supposed to tough, tug pull, lift and smell.  The exhibits were interesting for both ages even  if most of the science was lost on Lil' Bit.  There was a Dora and Diego exhibit / activity center that held her interest for a good while.

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