Our Goal:

OUR GOAL: Visit fifty states within the next two years. (edited: We missed our two year deadline but still hope to visit all 50 states)

The Rules: States we visit or where we have already visited as a family (three or more members) count. States visited by only one or two family members (such as a business trip) don't count.

Layovers and stopovers don't count. We have to actually either drive though a state or do some activity, outside of the airport, in that state.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nashville, TN - Jacks BBQ and Broadway Street

Taking the advice of several online friends and the desk clerk at the hotel, we headed back into town for some good Nashville BBQ at Jacks.  The drive was supposed to be less than 20 minutes but we ended up in major gridlock as the GPS in my phone took us right into a neighborhood which had been completely blocked off for some sort of festival..., fair...., I don't know.  All I know was that someone there was cooking BBQ and we were hungry.  The smells filled the car and made our moths water.  Two hungry kids, delicious smells and total gridlock - I ma lucky to have survived the trip.

We went to the Jacks on Broadway and got very lucky with an open parking space right near the restaurant.  There was only street parking available and the meter took the last of m change.  Looking at the street, I realize I was lucky to find the spot that I did.

Jacks is counter service and "find your own seat".  Big Boy chose a beef brisket sandwhich and Lil' Bit and I shared a half rack of ribs with two sides. I let her choose and she picked mac and cheese and creamed corn.   I went to pick up a rib and it literally fell off the bone.  It had a wonderful smoke flavor.  The ribs come without sauce and you help yourself to your choice of three sauces.  I sampled all three:  am Memphis style, a sweet  Texas style and a spice Texas style.  They were all good but my favorite was the spicy one.  My only complaint was the seating.  All of the tables were taken so Big Boy picked a booth that might have held a person and a half on a good day.  I was crammed between the seat back and the table and exactly half of my rear end fit on the seat.  Half of me was sticking our into what was, basically, the entrance to the place.  As soon as some other diners left, we jumped up and grabbed a real table.

While the food was very tasty, I think I wold have been happier at their other location.  Or maybe  the other rib place in the "bad neighborhood"

But, if we had gone to the other Jacks location,I would have never found Broadway.  Broadway is a busy four lane road with businesses lining both sides.  The whole time there, I had the feeling that it reminded me of somewhere I had been and now I think it is a combination of the Ocean City,MD boardwalk, New Orleans french Quarter and Key West.  It was very busy and very noisy but it was happy noise.  The street was lined with bars, restaurants and shops, all blaring country music from their doors.  We saw out fair share of cowboy hats and boots.

Yes, that is a coffin being towed by a motorcycle



We did a little shopping in a records/souvenir shop and the kids each bought shot glasses.  They were only $3 apiece so everyone was happy.

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