Our Goal:

OUR GOAL: Visit fifty states within the next two years. (edited: We missed our two year deadline but still hope to visit all 50 states)

The Rules: States we visit or where we have already visited as a family (three or more members) count. States visited by only one or two family members (such as a business trip) don't count.

Layovers and stopovers don't count. We have to actually either drive though a state or do some activity, outside of the airport, in that state.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Chicago - Millennuim Park

Absolutely not hot, not cold, not too windy, just breezy enough, sunny perfect, perfect weather.  We emerged from the train to find a perfect day for walking around Chicago.  Our first stop was Millennium Park.  We had taken the orange line from the airport straight to the Millennium Park neighborhood.  After a very short walk, we were at the park and first thing I did was seek out a local for advice on what to see or do.  They immediately said "you have to see the Bean".  OK, I said, I'll go see the bean...what's the Bean?    It turns out that 'The Bean' is actually a nickname for a sculpture called Cloud Gate and as it also turns out I LOVE THE BEAN!

The kids and I were fascinated by it and now I must bore you with about a million pictures of my kids and I playing around the bean

While I was wandering around and taking pictures and while Big Boy was playing with the optical illusions caused by the shape of the bean.. we hear a , well, the best way to describe it would be a   thump and a twang.  It echoed and reverberated dramatically.  And, then there was Lil' Bit, holding her head.  She had stood up and banged her head on the inside of the bran.  A kiss and a bag of ice and she was soon back in action.

The kids spent way more than our allotted time playing at the Bean but that's what these trips are about.. Having fun, seeing the country and not worrying about schedules.

When they finally decided to explore further, we headed into the park.  First stop, the outdoor amphitheatre

The amphitheatre is a huge grassy lawn leading up to a seating and stage area.  The entire field is criss crossed with metal bars with speakers suspended over the crowds.  It is a work of art.  Lil' Bit and I had to make a stop to the ladies room so we left Big Boy keep himself busy.  There was a decent sized crowd and workout music blaring.  We had stumbled upon a Saturday morning workout.  When we rejoined Big Boy, he gave me a big cheesy "thank you" and a hug.  This is when I realized that he had been keeping himself entertained by watching all the pretty girls working out.

We then, at another local's recommendation, wandered over to the fountains.  This was a large play area flanked by two giant rectangles with water pouring over from the top and video images on the front.

watch, the image changes

After playing in the fountain for quite a while, we headed toward the exit.  On the way, we found a summer family fun play area.  I had to pick on Lil' Bit.  We flew all the way to Chicago and I had to literally drag her away from the art station.  We can color anytime.

We finally left the park after spending hours there.  By now, it was lunch time.. past lunchtime, in fact, so we headed off on foot to Billy Goats Tavern.

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