Our Goal:

OUR GOAL: Visit fifty states within the next two years. (edited: We missed our two year deadline but still hope to visit all 50 states)

The Rules: States we visit or where we have already visited as a family (three or more members) count. States visited by only one or two family members (such as a business trip) don't count.

Layovers and stopovers don't count. We have to actually either drive though a state or do some activity, outside of the airport, in that state.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Las Vegas, NV - February 26 - March 1

My poor working husband never gets to go on any of our trips.  And, he is the reason we get to travel to begin with.  So, as he approached his 50th birthday, I asked him how he wanted to celebrate and he said that he wanted to go to Las Vegas.

So, he took a couple of days off, as did I and off we went (with the kids, of course).  Although taxis are readily available, we decided to rent a car so that we could take a couple of side trips.   We stayed at Treasure Island Hotel and Casino.  The hotel is at one end of the strip and there were several things within easy walking distance.

We used Priceline to book our room and received a very good rate.  We also were exempt from paying the ridiculous $25 per night "resort fee" that the regularly book guests are forced to pay.  I am guessing that they received too many bad reviews on Priceline for the surprise fee.

As soon as we walked into the casino, Lil' Bit made a beeline for the slot machines with eyes as wide as dinner plates.  She had never seen an "arcade" so big, bright, colorful and loud.   
There was no explanting to her that they were not video games and she was not allowed to play them.  She was almost inconsolable.  But, we did manage to drag her away and we made our way to our room. 

The room was comfortable.  Not huge, but nicely appointed and comfortable. 

We dumped our bags and headed out to explore.

The pool was very nice and we spent a good amount of our vacation time soaking up the sun while the kids swam. 

Next post:  photos from the strip

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Live...from Alaska!

I am posting this from our resort in Girdwood, Alaska! We made it!.  My husband ended up ordering himself a ZED fare ticket and joined us on our trip.  I will make a full post on our trip at one point but I am trying to keep the trips in order and I am way behind on trip reports.  I just could not contain my excitement and had to check in to say how awesome this place is.  And huge.  We are overwhelmed with the expanse of it.  We would like to visit Denali and Mt. McKinley but it is a six hour drive from here.

We are planning on setting off tomorrow to see glaciers and hopefully some wildlife.  Look forward to an amazing trip report in the future.