Our Goal:

OUR GOAL: Visit fifty states within the next two years. (edited: We missed our two year deadline but still hope to visit all 50 states)

The Rules: States we visit or where we have already visited as a family (three or more members) count. States visited by only one or two family members (such as a business trip) don't count.

Layovers and stopovers don't count. We have to actually either drive though a state or do some activity, outside of the airport, in that state.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ontario Canada - the way home

We woke up early and decided to walk to a nearby IHOP for breakfast.  They are usually reasonably priced and who doesn't like pancakes?  The IHOP was attached to another hotel about half a mile from ours.  We were seated and started looking at the menu.  I almost had a stroke.  They wanted $18 for an omelet... and that is Canadian dollars.  Add about 2% to that for the currency exchange.  I should have gone with my instinct and walked out but Big Boy had such a great memory of his recent IHOP breakfast with his father and, I don't know, I wasn't thinking straight.  We ordered breakfast and endured sub par service.  Someone had switched the caps on two of the four flavors of pancake syrup so Big Boy accidentally smothered his pancakes with blueberry syrup - which he hates.  We waited a ridiculously long time for our waitress to come by but in her credit she did quickly agree to bring him a new serving of pancakes.

When the bill came, I was sick to my stomach.  I could have fed my kids for three days in DisneyWorld for what I paid for breakfast.

And that was before tip!

We walked back to the hotel with a smile pasted on my face, determined to make sure that the kids continued to have a good time.  Along the way a cat jumped out from behind a shrub and immediately introduced himself.  He ended up following us for a few blocks while the kids made ridiculous pleas to take him home with us.

Although it was a gorgeous sunny day.. and so far, we had only seen the falls when it was overcast, my kids seemed to feel that they had seen enough of the falls.  The wanted to spend the morning in the pool.  It was still early and the pool was not due to open until 10:00.  We were originally scheduled for an evening flight so that we could spend some more time exploring the area but that expensive breakfast was still in my head and the kids had seen enough water so we decide to head back home early.  There was a noon flight that was wide open so we decided to try for that.

Crossing back over the border was as uneventful as entering Canada.  A quick glance at our passports and a few routine questions and we were back in the USA. 

Suddenly and unexpectedly, Lil's Bit mentioned that she was hungry and then immediately segued into a full uncharacteristic meltdown.  I don't know where she thought I was going to find food on the middle of the highway.  But, we survived the meltdown and went to our rental car return.  While returning the car, I mentioned that the cigarette lighter was not working which caused me much angst as I was using my phone for the GPS and was watching my battery slowly dwindle.  Now, this is why I am loving Enterprise.  Without hesitation, the employee noted that I only had the car for a couple of hours on my second day and he agreed to waive the second day altogether, cutting my bill in half.  That is good customer service.

We easily got onto the early flight.

And, it is a good thing we did.  Storms later in the day caused delays to our original flight.  We would have made it home but is would have been late.

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