Our Goal:

OUR GOAL: Visit fifty states within the next two years. (edited: We missed our two year deadline but still hope to visit all 50 states)

The Rules: States we visit or where we have already visited as a family (three or more members) count. States visited by only one or two family members (such as a business trip) don't count.

Layovers and stopovers don't count. We have to actually either drive though a state or do some activity, outside of the airport, in that state.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Buffalo, NY - October 18 &19

One of my vivid childhood memories was our family trip to Niagara Falls.  I remember taking a tour where you walk through a cave and actually come out behind the falls themselves.  I remember being impressed at the amount of water rushing over horseshoe falls.  I wanted to share this memory with my children.

The kids were out of school on a Thursday and Friday due to teacher conferences and I took off of work rather than find a sitter.  We were flying our usual standby and managed to get on a flight that was empty enough that we didn't have to worry about getting on it.  Of course, this meant our usual pre dawn departure but the kids and I are getting used to that.  We got on our first choice flight with seats to spare.

We picked up our rental car and headed straight for Goat Island which is a New York State Park.  We had a comfortable half hour ride to get there.  Upon arrival, we paid $8 to park in the first lot we came upon.  I later leaned that the other two lots are $10 apiece so we got lucky on that one.  Our first mission was to go beneath the falls.  Now, my childhood memory was of walking through a tunnel and coming out behind the waterfall.  And, with a name like "Cave of the Winds"  I full expected that this was what we were about to do.  We paid our $27 and received three thin rain ponchos and three pair of sandals and a plastic bag for our shoes.  We took an elevator down to the baste of the falls but instead of a tunnel behind the falls, we came out next to the falls.  There were a series of stairs, decks and catwalks running alongside the base of the falls and up along the side of the rushing water.  It didn't take long to figure out why we needed sandals and ponchos.  There was water everywhere splashing around us and spraying as it hit the rocks.  I should mention that Lil's Bit has this thing about getting wet.  She adores the pool and swims for hours but the idea of getting the tiniest little bit wet in any other circumstances makes her insane.  She took one look and refused to go any further than the very first platform.  I had no choice but to wait at the bottom and send Big Boy up on his own.

We were directed by one of the guides to walk the wrong way through the area so that we could meet Big Boy as he came down but also get a little closer without Lil' Bit getting too wet. 

from this vantage, we could easily watch Big Boy and he looked like he was having a blast.  I told Lil' Bit to stay where I could see her so that I could walk part way up.  After watching us for a few minutes, Lil' Bit decided that a little water would probably not kill her after all.

Rain ponchos or not, we got wet.  Especially the bottoms of our pants.   Big boy was so enthralled with the falls and he declared me the best Mom ever for bringing them. 

And the fun was just beginning.

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