Our Goal:

OUR GOAL: Visit fifty states within the next two years. (edited: We missed our two year deadline but still hope to visit all 50 states)

The Rules: States we visit or where we have already visited as a family (three or more members) count. States visited by only one or two family members (such as a business trip) don't count.

Layovers and stopovers don't count. We have to actually either drive though a state or do some activity, outside of the airport, in that state.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Ontario, Canada - October 18 & 19

After our Maid of the Mist ride, we spent a few minutes on the observation tower and bought a couple of trinkets in the souvenir shop.  While waiting for our purchases to be rung up, Lil' Bit played with and subsequently dropped a small glass souvenir.  She was so upset that she quickly made a grab for the broken glass in an attempt to pick it up.  She cut her thumb on the glass and, after receiving a band aid, posed with her injury.

We caught the trolley back to our car and headed out of the park.  This trip, we had brought donuts but had not packed a lunch.  We quickly found a cheap Chinese Buffet in the area.  It was cheap, very cheap, and not very good.  But we are on a budget and it was food so we made do.

Lil' Bit had to go to the bathroom and since the bathrooms were very close and the place was deserted, she set off by herself.  After a while, I thought I should go check on her as she was talking a wee bit too long.  As I got closer tot he ladies room, I could hear her cries and her desperate pounding on the bathroom door.  She had gotten herself stuck in the restroom.  Not one to miss an opportunity to laugh at one of my children;'s misfortune, I totally cracked up.  But she was none the worse for wear.  We finished our meal and set off for Canada.

We quickly found the border crossing at Rainbow Bridge and upon showing our passports and answering a few cursory questions, we were allowed to cross the border.  Our first stop was the Holiday Inn where we had made reservations.  It was straight up the hill from the American Falls,  The hotel did not have a view of the falls but was within walking distance.

The room was nice and clean


The room did not have much of a view though.

What the hotel did have was a pool and a hot tub.  On the list of favorite things, a hotel pool and hot tub rank 1 & 2 on my kids' most favorite things.

After a quick swim, we headed out on foot in search of inexpensive souvenirs (we struck out)  and then off to see the falls from the Canadian side (where the view is best)
The walk was a comfortable downhill walk a little less than a mile.  It started getting chilly and drizziling during the walk down but the view was worth it.

Attached to our hotel was a Margaritaville.  The neon and music caught the kids' eyes so we decided that this was the spot for dinner.


By the time we finished dinner, the kid were tired, we were all just now drying off from our walk in the drizzle, and it had gotten even more chilly out.  Despite the fact that everyone says you just haaave to see the falls at night... we headed back to our room and straight to bed.

Here are a couple of pictures of what we missed (stolen from the Internet)

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