Our Goal:

OUR GOAL: Visit fifty states within the next two years. (edited: We missed our two year deadline but still hope to visit all 50 states)

The Rules: States we visit or where we have already visited as a family (three or more members) count. States visited by only one or two family members (such as a business trip) don't count.

Layovers and stopovers don't count. We have to actually either drive though a state or do some activity, outside of the airport, in that state.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Quick update

My mother-in-law came up with a great idea to go to Connecticut this weekend to visit a certain flea market.  She loves flea markets, knows my kids love them and also, I think, is intrigued with the idea of being a part of history as we climb to our goal of 50 states visited by June 2014.

But, alas, I had to break her heart.  Sorry Mom, I am way behind on blog posts (this blog and my main one) and just cannot go out of town until I get some typing done.  OK, you got me , it is not only blogging that needs to get caught up on.  I am also working on a lesson pan for a course I will be teaching in a few weeks, have a ton of housework, including two very neglected litter boxes, and have no money left.

So, we will have to plan our trip to the flea market for the spring when the season starts up again.  In the mean time, I need to lock myself in the computer room and get caught up on blogging.  I owe trip reports from Disney, Colorado and Disney... no that was not a typo.  I have been to Disney twice since my last post.

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