Our Goal:

OUR GOAL: Visit fifty states within the next two years. (edited: We missed our two year deadline but still hope to visit all 50 states)

The Rules: States we visit or where we have already visited as a family (three or more members) count. States visited by only one or two family members (such as a business trip) don't count.

Layovers and stopovers don't count. We have to actually either drive though a state or do some activity, outside of the airport, in that state.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Disneyworld - October 22-24

My solo birthday trip to EPCOT

I had asked for only one thing for my birthday this year.... a solo trip to the Wine & Food Festival at Disneyworld's EPCOT.  I have been to the festival a couple of times in the past.  My fist time was the year we had the dining plan and we saved all of our snack credits for the week and then Lil' Bit and I slipped over to the world showcase and spent a wonderful afternoon sampling foods from around the world with our snack credits.  Other times I have been there it has been whole family as well but one nice afternoon, I was allowed to break away for a while and stroll around with my friend Craig, a foodie like me.  My time alone was limited, though.  It was not long before I was called back the the real world of taking daughter's to the bathroom or refereeing arguments about what to ride next.

While I love my kids and have never wanted or needed a vacation away from them, I really needed to get one chance to do what I wanted on this trip.  And while I love my husband and have no need to get away from him for even a spa weekend, we have such different opinions about how to spend time in Disney and I knew that bringing him would not work out.  Yes, it could be romantic to get away with him for a couple of days.  And I could picture he and I strolling around the park arm in arm.  But then reality comes crashing into my pretty little dream and I then realize that we would have a little time like that but then he would start bugging me to dot hings that he wants to do.  Nope... this trip had to be taken alone.

Did I miss my family?... naw, I was only gone two days.  Do I feel guilty about not bringing them?... heck no!   Do I want to go without them again?... well, confession time.... yes, I will probably try to get away with it again one day.

There is one little tiny bit of guilt though.  When the kids and I vacation, we scrimp and save.  We find the cheapest smallest rental cars or rely on public transportation.  We bring our own breakfast and lunches and find a cheap dinner.  We don't spend more than a few dollars on souvenirs.  But on this trip, I splurged.  I spent a lot of money on food (which is why I went there to begin with).  I felt a little bad about that.  Not bad enough to change what I was doing but ad none-the-less.

I love trying new foods.  I am an adventurous eater and, as you know from the whole premise of this blog, I love to set a goal for myself and reach it.  My goal on this trip was to eat (or drink) one item from each of the Wine & Food Festival's 28 "countries". 

Stay tuned to see if I reached this goal......

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