Our Goal:

OUR GOAL: Visit fifty states within the next two years. (edited: We missed our two year deadline but still hope to visit all 50 states)

The Rules: States we visit or where we have already visited as a family (three or more members) count. States visited by only one or two family members (such as a business trip) don't count.

Layovers and stopovers don't count. We have to actually either drive though a state or do some activity, outside of the airport, in that state.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Oh my, oh my

I am exactly two trips behind on my trip reports and am already on the brink of leaving town again. If I keep this up, I am going to have to invest in a tablet... something light enough to travel with but robust enough to write my blog(s) on.

I am in the middle of putting together our next trip.  The kids only have two days of school this upcoming week (Monday and Wednesday - go figure) and my court is only open one day (Thursday) and I don't work when the court is not open.  So, I asked for the day off and decided that the kids would not be harmed too much by missing two days of school.  The stars aligned even further when we figured noted that we have a rare occasion of my husband being off for two of the dame days as us (Thursday and Friday).  We never have overlapping days off.  The one rub was that he is on call for jury duty but one phone call later and we discovered that the trial schedule is already set and there are no jury trials scheduled for this week.  All he had to do was take a letter tot he courthouse asking to be excused and he is now free and clear.

So, the kids and I are planning on going to Bridgeville, DE on Saturday and then off to a city still to be determined from Sunday through Wednesday.  So far, it is looking like that city will be Denver Colorado but don'[t hold me to that.  Then the rest of the week will be spent in a surprise location.  OK, a surprise for the kids but anyone who know us, knows where I am talking about.  The plan is for the kids and I to arrive sometime Wednesday and for my husband to join us first thing Thursday morning.  He is hoping that someone will take his shift Saturday evening so that he can stay an extra day.  The rest of us will fly back either Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning.  Sunday morning is looking a little better flight wise. 

So, funny thing about the way this trip is being planned.  I literally searched for flights into our destination city of Wednesday and planned our trip backwards based on what flights I could find.  I only found a handful of cities with empty enough flights that direction.  Now that I have narrowed it down, I am looking for flights to that city on Sunday.  Like I said, Denver is looking most likely right now.

I guess you will have to stay tuned to see where we end up.

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