Our Goal:

OUR GOAL: Visit fifty states within the next two years. (edited: We missed our two year deadline but still hope to visit all 50 states)

The Rules: States we visit or where we have already visited as a family (three or more members) count. States visited by only one or two family members (such as a business trip) don't count.

Layovers and stopovers don't count. We have to actually either drive though a state or do some activity, outside of the airport, in that state.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I'm being followed (Du Du Duhmmm)

First off, no trips this past weekend.  I am pretty darned broke right now. In fact, I have cleaned out my kids' bank accounts to hold me over so they are broke as well.  But, I get paid on Wednesday so we are planning on going to Chicago this upcoming weekend.  We have found an early morning flight with a lot of empty seats and another early evening flight home so, barring any storms grounding us, we should be in pretty good shape.  We don't have specific plans for once we get there but I have done a little Internet searching  for ideas.  We plan on packing lunch and breakfast again and just buying dinner and a small souvenir.

One of the problems with flying by the seat of your pants is realizing little things too  late.  I discovered that you can get an all day public transportation ticket for less than $6 per person but I also learned that they are only sold at certain locations.  Not knowing if Midway airport is one of those location, I decided to order the tickets on line...except, they say to allow 10 days for delivery.  I may order them today in hopes that they come early.  If they arrive late, I will just have a reason to head back to Chicago another time.

So, back to "being followed".   If you scroll down the right hand column, you will see that I have one lonely "follower".  His name is Craig Rich and I am glad to have him aboard.  Craig is also a retired police officer from the same agency as my husband and I.  He left just before we did and relocated to Florida.  We used to travel together and I consider him a great friend and probably one of my husband's best friends.

Craig to the left of my husband
And this one...just because I know he will see it (love ya, Craig)

Craig is a bit of a traveler too.  He has made it a goal to visit every baseball park int he country.  I will have to check with him to get his latest count but the last time I asked, he was pretty close to completing this goal.  His challenge is a little harder than mine because he is attending games in each venue so he can only accomplish his mission during baseball season.  But, at the dame time, it is a little easier since he does not have school schedules to contend with or kids in tow.

Thanks for joining us Craig.

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